Monday, August 11, 2014

A Blog based on the World of Radio/Remote Controlled Plane. A group task of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department students at NED University of Engineering and Technology (Karachi,Pakistan). The main to create this blog is to update all information and research that is going to be carried out till the final project is delivered and also to update the Group members & the tutors of the progress.

Group Leader – Rohit Wadhwani
Team Members –Muhammad Rameez, Nasir Khalid, Wajahat Ahmed and Syed Anas Ali.

Theories learned in text books or taught by teachers are put into practice in an environment where students can put themselves against others to see where they stand and learn in the process of doing so. Through challenging themselves, students get to fine-tune their skills and broaden their knowledge, taking learning out of the classroom into the real world. And this is what we strived for.

As Team Coordination is a key of any project which is considered difficult to achieve in the face of the possibility that autonomous team members may not agree on the time stamped team strategy or the mapping from teammates to roles within the team strategy. However, this was not the case in our project. Tasks were equally distributed and done cooperatively.

Accomplishment and the corresponding success of any project depends upon an effective team which in turn is determined by knowing whether it has the capability to constantly strive for achievement and patiently wait for it to be effective. Our team has that capability and patience due to which it is considered as one of the most creative and innovative team.

We remember, it was like yesterday when we decided to build a Radio Controlled Plane (RC-PLANE), having no sufficient knowledge of aeronautics, even not sure of its design parameters and components; but an ambition to achieve our aim led us to complete the task within a month.

This blog will provide a platform for students who are interested in aerodynamics. Its all about how airplanes fly, how we can build them and much more. Different pages would be setup in this and site would be frequently uploaded by the members which would include all the Research , Designing , Analysis , Calculations and other necessary work that is required .
Yes, as you climb the ladder life becomes tough but fascinating at the same moment.


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